Mass Luminosity Granted U.S. Patent

Mass Luminosity Granted U.S. Patent

Posted 215 weeks ago

Mass Luminosity, Inc., a Dallas-based research, development and technology experiential company, today announced the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has granted the company U.S. Patent No. 10,893,087 entitled Streaming and Non-Streaming Media Transfers Between Devices..

The patent will enable the licensing of the world’s first video conferencing service integrating mid-call instantaneous switching across different devices – the result of a nearly two-year patent pursuit by Mass Luminosity and its patent attorneys at the Dallas-based FBFK law firm.

“Consumers are craving the seamless, live streaming transfer technology this patent enables us to deliver,” says Angel Munoz, CEO of Mass Luminosity. “Ultimately, we are driven by our vision of ushering a new era of a simple and feature-rich communication platform for the entire world.”

In light of the secured patent, the company issued a license to Beacon Technologies, Inc., for use on its secure audio and video communication platform, called Beacon.

“Through Beacon – and for the first time – a person participating in a videoconference, will be able to seamlessly transfer it from a desktop computer to a smartphone or tablet PC with the touch of a button,” adds Munoz.

“After years of software development, we feel a sense of accomplishment that the USPTO has recognized the timeliness of our solution,” said Teodor Atroshenko, senior vice president of technology. “We are actively working toward filing additional patent applications directed to a number of unique technologies that will be part of the Beacon experience.”

Business Wire

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